TurboIRC NickServ «

TurboIRC NickServ is a small but smart utility , that acts as a nick server to an IRCX server . Using TurboIRC NickServ , you have the ability to register nicks on your network .



Windows 95/98/NT 4.0+ and an IRCX server with the /EVENT command in use

Administrator account to the network . TurboIRC NickServ must be an IRCop in the network .


Configuring NickServ

To configure nickserv , start it and press Ctrl+S ( or select "Start" from the menu ) .

IRCX Server : The server the NickServ will connect

Port : The port of the server , usually 6667

User : The user name of the NickServ . If you run an IRCX server that recognizes IRCops with the User:Pass , this must be the user name

Pass : The password set when creating the IRCop account

Name : A name for the TurboIRC NickServ

Command : Use it only if your IRCX server needs a command to make a user an IRCop , possibly the OPER command ( without the '/' )

Allow users to register nicks : If selected , the users are able to register nicks remotely , using /privmsg . If not , nicks can be modified only locally.

Reconnect on failure / disconnection : If you select this , TurboIRC will try to reconnect if a connection is dropped or failed .

Autoflush : Enables TurboIRC NickServ to auto-check for nicks that are expired .

Default Timeout : the Timeout assigned to remote registrations ( see below , nick window ) . I suggest setting this to a value higher than 20 seconds , to avoid lags .

Default Dayout : the Dayout assigned to remote registrations ( see below , nick window )

Exclude System Operators : If checked , TurboIRC NickServ will allow a user with +o to login with a registrered nick . ONLY in login , not if the user uses the /nick command .

Exclude System Administrators : The same , for +a users .

Protect against unicode nicks : TurboIRC NickServ can match a unicode nick ( starting with ^ and continuing with HEX values instead of the current nick ) . This will not allow a user to use a registered nick with its "unicode" format , the user may apply by preffixing the nick with the character : ' , which is not regognized by non IRCX servers

Allow no more same-mail registrations than X : This selects the maximum registrations with the same mail that can be done . Because the user may lie about his mail , you can check also Enable Mail Authentication . With this option checked , the nick is registered as "disabled" , and TurboIRC NickServ mails a password to the given mail to unblock it . If the attempt to mail fails , TurboIRC NickServ does not show a warning and it does not retry to send the mail .

Memoserv : A service that allows users to exchange offline messages . Each message can be up to 400 bytes . Select the maximum messages a user may receive . This option will be applied to a new registered nick if the registration is done remotely . Locally , you may set your limit for that nick .

Press Start + Save . Your NickServ will connect and run . If all goes ok , you should see the icon in the tray . If something goes wrong , TurboIRC will restore itself and write an error message . To ensure that TurboIRC NickServ is connected , restore the window by double clicking on the icon . If shows "Running" , re-minimize the window by pressing Ctrl+H . If shows "idle" , then the connection could not be established . TurboIRC NickServ will try forever to connect , if you have selected "Reconnect on failure/disconnection"


Configuring nicks .

A.Local configuring

Nicks can be configured from the Nicks Window ( Select Nicks from the menu , or press Ctrl+N )

Enter "New" , and add the New Nick Name . Then the parameters :

Password : The password used for the nick , case sensitive .

Timeout : The maximum time in seconds , that TurboIRC NickServ will waits for a successful authentication untill it KILLS the user who has the nick .

Disconnect reason : The reason of kill .

Registered name : The name of the user .

Registered mail : The e-mail of the user .

Maximum dayout : The maximum days TurboIRC will wait for a IDENTIFY or PASSWORD command until it removes the nick registration .

Current dayout : The days remaining until dropping the nick . When the user successfully uses a IDENTIFY or PASSWORD command ,this value is restored to MaxDayout .

Disabled : If this nick is disabled , no IDENTIFY , PASSWORD or DROP commands will be accepted . TurboIRC will still KILL the user if timeout . This is the default if you have enabled the mail authorization .

Unblock Password : The password the user will use with the UNBLOCK command to re-enable his nick . This password is generated randomly at registration time , if you have enabled mail authorization . Each time you select locally the disabled button , the user must unblock the nick using that password . You may change the password . TurboIRC NickServ always set an unblock password on remote registration , even if the mail authentication is disabled .

Message Limit : The maximum number of messages that this user may receive .


Press "Store" , and the new nick is saved .


B.Remote Configuring

Using the /privmsg ( usually /msg on most clients ) command , the user have the following commands : ( assuming that the nick of the NickServ is : NickServ )

/msg NickServ HELP , this returns a help

/msg NickServ REGISTER password mail name , this registers a nick if remote registration is allowed

/msg NickServ DROP password mail , this drops a nick if remote registration is allowed

/msg NickServ IDENTIFY password , this authenticates the user

/msg NickServ PASSWORD oldpassword mail newpassword , this changes a password

/msg NickServ UNBLOCK unblockpassword , this unblocks a temporarily disabled password using the unblock password . If you have enabled mail authentication , this password is mailed to the user .

When registering nicks , TurboIRC assings to Reason,MaxDayout,TimeOut and MessageLimit the default values . Dayout is set to 2 days , and after the first IDENTIFY , it goes to MaxDayout

All Nick Information is stored in NICK.INI . You may modify the file directly , but I do not take any responsibility if you make a mistake ( for example , setting the TimeOut value to something non-number )




Use Flush ( or type Ctrl+F ) to make TurboIRC NickServ to perform a flush control ( such a control is done each 5 minutes ) . The nicks that are day-out , are dropped .


User vS TurboIRC NickServ

TurboIRC will activate itself if a user connects using a registered nick , or changes its nick to a registered nick using the /nick command . It will prompt the user to use the IDENTIFY command to authenticate himself , and create a time-out . If the user fails to authenticate him/herself using the IDENTIFY command in the time-out period , TurboIRC NickServ will KILL the user .

Each time the user uses the /nick , command , TurboIRC will re-ask authorization , even if the user authenticated him/herself when connected . This is done to avoid spoofing .


Auto Start TurboIRC NickServ

Once you have pressed "Save and Start" , your configuration is saved in CONFIG.INI . You can start TurboIRC NickServ with the parameter /a ; It will auto connect to the server .


Logging TurboIRC NickServ

TurboIRC NickServ stores all messages it takes to LOGS.LOG for information.



Using Memoserv , users that have their nick registered can exchange offline messages . The syntax is :

/msg NickServ MESSAGE target message , to leave to the 'target' a 'message'

/msg NickServ READMESSAGE password messagenumber , to read the message #messagenumber . TurboIRC NickServ informs the user if he has messages after a successful IDENTIFY command .

/msg NickServ DELETEMESSAGE password messagenumber , deletes a message . The message list is resorted .

Each registered nick has its own file , in to that the messages are stored . Files are placed in the same directory that TurboIRC NickServ is installed .

Note that any user can send a MESSAGE to a nick , even if his nick is not registered .



Nick "Contents" is reserved fom the program , for KXN.INI .

Nick "WindowsNT" is internally registered from the program for the creator ( i.e. I AM this one !) "WindowsNT" registration cannot be dropped , disabled or modified by anyone .



Copyright ⌐ Chourdakis Michael . TurboIRC 98 IRCX Client - NickServ

All Rights Reserved . Suggestions and bugs , mail to xmic@freemail.gr

This software may NOT be used from anyone , except if they get my e-mailed permission to use it , *and* my name and my e-mail address is properly displayed in the "Message Of The Day" .